This 65-page toolkit was published under the creative commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial
Thank you to the participants of the November 2019 Bangkok workshop for contributing to the formation of this open-source toolkit.
Open-Source DDM Facilitation Toolkit
Commissioned by Oxfam Asia, we developed this free 65-page workshop facilitation toolkit designed to support the easy uptake and integration of creative campaign design though the Disruptive Design Method.
This toolkit was developed through a co-creation process. In November 2019, a two-day workshop was facilitated in Bangkok, Thailand, with Oxfam representatives, campaign partners, and invited digital activists, creative communicators and supporting stakeholders. Through this workshop, we were able to identify the the content and flow that would work best for the context that these campaigners were working within. Running through the the tools of in the DDM through a curated two-day workshop, participants mined the process of creating change campaigns, focusing on what elements they needed to be equipped with the tools to create more change in the digital arena.
The resulting 65-page toolkit includes a step-by-step guide to creating engaging workshops and creative campaigns that utilize the Disruptive Design Method and share insights into how to design beautiful and effective digital campaigns.
The Facilitation Toolkit and the connected Workshop Pack is intended to be used in non-traditional workshop settings to further the design of effective digital activism campaigns. It supports adopting new creative techniques for activating change.