SEAC is a leading provider of professional development services in South East Asia, with beautiful learning centers in Bangkok, Vietnam and Singapore. As part of their expansion into youth-based learning and their Your Next U program, along with a company-wide desire to be at the forefront of bringing sustainability and positively disruptive thinking to the region, SEAC commissioned us to develop a learning system that supports active and global citizenship.
Over an extensive research and development period, we created a 12-class learning system that is comprised of 36 learning modules across a wide variety of topics related to sustainability, social entrepreneurship, active citizenship and creative change.
The full system is comprised of 12 facilitation workbooks, over 60 in-class activities and an accompanying universal 56-card deck, an extensive facilitators’ manual, and an online educator training platform to support facilitators in upskilling in the core topics and experiential educational approach so that they can deliver the content in highly effective ways.
The Changemaker Lab learning system is currently available in Thai and English languages, with plans to expand the translations.
As part of our equity access policy of distributing 20% of commissioned content for free, there is a free version of the universal card deck with all 56 cards and 36 activities that can be downloaded and used by anyone to advance sustainability and creative problem solving.