Free Superpower Activation Kit
In late 2016, Leyla Acaroglu was honored by the United Nations for her pioneering work in activating innovation for sustainability by being named Champion of the Earth. This started a conversation about the everyday superpowers that we all have.
We decided to develop a set of everyday super powers that anyone, anywhere could identify within themselves and use to help make the world work better for all of us.
Through our work, we see just how true it is that everyone, no matter how small or big their sphere of influence is, has the capacity to make a positive impact on the world around them. And so, we created a visually-engaging set of 12 superpowers that we can all adopt to advance changemaking even more.
This superpower activation pack is a 12-part illustrated guide to activating agency and leadership for everyday changemakers.
We build tools like this to foster unconventional approaches to creatively addressing the systems, rather than the symptoms, that lead to the origin of the problems that we see in the world.
The project was developed as a creative collaboration between our lead creatives Leyla Acaroglu and Emma Segal. They wrote about their collaborative experience (one of the superpowers!) in this Medium article.