Game Changer Game
The Game Changer Game is a campaign development game developed for workshops or meetings to help reorient campaigns to be positively-focused by challenging players to come up with the most creative idea for a quest to creatively address social and environmental issues. It's a ready-made process for outside-the-box idea generation.
The approach with this intervention was to create a gamified experience that forces you to think around your own established opinions of how an issue should be communicated. The Game Changer Game introduces a public peer-voting mechanism that motivates players to be rewarded by the group for the most creative and exciting idea.
This makes it much easier for groups of colleagues to quickly edit and reward the ideas that have the most consensus (a process that is often hard to get to). The different rounds present different thinking lenses for players to frame their creative thinking, allowing for many divergent perspectives to be mined in a short period of time.
The game kit includes several examples of how to effect change, how others have done so and fun frames to consider when designing campaigns to engage others.